Global Talent Trends study 2022-2023 


探索全球数据, trends, and insights and their application to redesign work, 工作, 工作场所.

Relatable organisations bring joy and create a brighter future

这是一个极具机遇的时刻:拾起在大流行期间学习和磨练的同理心工具,开辟一种更具韧性的新的伙伴关系方式, sustainable and attuned to the new shape of work. 相关组织正在带回工作的乐趣,为所有人创造更光明的未来.

去年,近11000名高管、人力资源负责人和员工告诉我们,他们最关心的是什么. 我们清楚地听到,相关组织正在引领重塑工作的方式, 工作, 工作场所. 他们关注的是什么? 我们的研究表明,有关联的组织有五个共同点:他们不断重置相关性, figuring out new ways to work in partnership, delivering on total well-being outcomes, 建立就业能力, and harnessing collective energy to drive transformative change.

根据全球2474名人力资源主管的调查,这些努力将持续到2023年. 即使面对社会政治和经济的不确定性,他们也认识到这一点, 这些优先事项必须保持在组织和个人蓬勃发展的前沿和中心. 

How ready is your organisation for what’s next?

大流行强调了机会主义和适应力的重要性——对组织和个人都是如此. 2023年将是决定性的一年,雄心勃勃的转型计划和持续的挑战将面临新的现实. 人力资源部门需要保持精力和动力,为自己和企业的未来做好准备.
相关组织正在重新定义他们如何与员工互动并为社会做出贡献. 他们正在挑战创造价值的传统观念,并建设一个对所有人来说更可持续、更公平的未来.

The events of the past two years have left an indelible mark on investor, 员工和消费者态度. 新的工作世界——更加微妙和个性化——要求重新设定优先事项,并围绕倾听培养新的技能, learning and adapting to identify and address unmet needs. Companies that fail to adapt will lose the ability to raise capital, 吸引和留住人才, 保持相关性. 有关联的组织不再对自己的立场保持沉默,而是制定了反映所有利益相关者价值观的“好工作”标准. 他们坚持不懈地倾听驱动消费者和员工行为的因素,并通过设计建立适应性的文化和实践.

People no longer want to work for a company; they want to work with a company. 工作的未来 depends on flatter and more networked talent models, 火上浇油的更加灵活, 可替代的, 全球分散的劳动力. This represents a shift in the 社会 contract of work, 只有当每个人都觉得自己得到了公平的待遇时,这个机制才会成功. 作为回应,相关组织正在整个生态系统中发展一种伙伴关系的心态. 他们正在通过在人才模式中注入公平和包容来增强业务弹性, accessing broader and more diverse talent pools, and building out more robust supplier and partner networks. 如今,“合作”胜过“领先”可能是一家公司最大的竞争优势.

大流行暴露并加剧了不同人群的健康和财富差距, underscoring that accessibility and affordability of care is not enough. 如今,福祉投资回报率的重要性已不再是投资回报(重点是降低医疗成本),而是更多地关注如何推动劳动力当前和未来的健康结果. This puts the onus on an employer to ensure the emotional, 物理, 社会, and financial well-being of their employees. Relatable organisations actively encourage healthy, 奖励, 可持续的工作行为,并在重要时刻提供个性化的支持.

技能和工人的巨大供需缺口突显出,企业不仅要确保自身的可持续性,还要保障员工未来的就业能力. 大流行凸显了以技能为基础的人才模式和灵活的工作设计对建设未来劳动力的重要性. 更甚于以往, organisations are instilling a mindset of lifelong learning, 工作机会民主化, 帮助不同背景、不同世代的工人铺平通往繁荣的道路.

“未来的工作”多年来一直是一个热门话题,但顾名思义, it was always seen as a long-term play. 大流行加快了时间表,并成倍增加了新商业模式的重要性, new ways of 工作 and new technologies. Ideas that were once met with resistance, 怀疑和不情愿现在是我们这个时代一些最大挑战的解决方案——当人们筋疲力尽的时候, they are also much more optimistic. 现在, 通过确保转型议程以人类体验为中心并重新设计工作,企业有一个独特的机会来释放能量, 工作 工作场所 for a new age.

Priorities for HR leaders vary by geography and industry  

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2023 priorities for HR leaders by region

Given the economic climate, where will you be investing in 2023? [十大结果]


全球: 1. 提升员工体验. Improve strategic workforce planning, 3. Design skills-based talent processes, 4. Rethink our compensation practices, 5. Improve total rewards policies, 6. 7 .投资于再培训/提升技能. 提供全面的幸福感,8分. 重新设计工作,9. 10 .重新构想我们的雇主品牌. Ensure diverse groups are represented

北美: 1. 提升员工体验. 提供全面的幸福. Improve total rewards policies, 4. Design skills-based talent processes, 5. Improve strategic workforce planning, 6. Rethink our compensation practices, 7. 履行ESG承诺.  Evolve our flexible 工作 culture, 9. Ensure diverse groups are represented, 10. 投资于技能更新

拉丁美洲: 1. 提升员工体验. 实现自动化. 提供全面的幸福感,4. Design skills-based talent processes, 5. 重新设计工作,6. Improve total rewards policies, 7. 8 .投资于再培训/提升技能. Evolve our flexible 工作 culture, 9. Ensure diverse groups are represented, 10. Improve strategic workforce planning

太平洋: 1. 提升员工体验. Improve strategic workforce planning, 3. 提供全面的幸福感,4. 4 .投资于再培训/提升技能. Design skills-based talent processes, 6. 完善总奖励策略, 7. Ensure diverse groups are represented, 8. Evolve our flexible 工作 culture, 9. Rethink our compensation practices, 10. 重新塑造我们的雇主品牌

中东和北非: 1. 提升员工体验. 完善总奖励策略, 3. Design skills-based talent processes, 4. Rethink our compensation practices, 5. 5 .投资于培训/提升技能. Improve strategic workforce planning, 7. 实现自动化8. 实现整体幸福,9. 10 .重新构想我们的雇主品牌. 重新设计人力资源运营

欧洲: 1. 提升员工体验. Improve strategic workforce planning, 3. Rethink our compensation practices, 4. 4 .投资于再培训/提升技能. Design skills-based talent processes, 6. 完善总奖励策略, 7. 实现整体幸福,8. 重新构想我们的雇主品牌. 重新设计工作,10. 履行ESG承诺

非洲: 1. Improve strategic workforce planning, 2. 2 .投资于再培训/提升技能. Design skills-based talent processes, 4. 5 .实现整体幸福. Rethink our compensation practices, 6. Develop human-centric decision making, 7. 提升员工体验. 重新设计工作,9. 完善总奖励策略, 10. 重新塑造我们的雇主品牌

亚洲: 1. 提升员工体验. Rethink our compensation practices, 3. Improve strategic workforce planning, 4. 完善总奖励策略, 5. Design skills-based talent processes, 6. 7 .投资于再培训/提升技能. 实现整体幸福,8. 重新设计工作,9. 10 .重新构想我们的雇主品牌. Ensure diverse groups are represented

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2023 priorities for HR leaders vary by industry

Given the economic climate, where will you be investing in 2023? [十大结果]


总: 1. 提升员工体验. Improve strategic workforce planning, 3. Design skills-based talent processes, 4. Rethink our compensation practices, 5. 完善总奖励策略, 6.    7 .投资于再培训/提升技能. 实现整体幸福,8. 重新设计工作,9. 10 .重新构想我们的雇主品牌. Ensure diverse groups are represented                                                                                                    

汽车: 1. Improve strategic workforce planning, 2. 提升员工体验. Design skills-based talent processes, 4. 完善总奖励策略, 5. Rethink our compensation practices, 6. 7 .投资于再培训/提升技能. 重新设计工作,8. 实现整体幸福,9. Ensure diverse groups are represented, 10. Develop human-centric decision making

化学成分: 1. 提升员工体验. Design skills-based talent processes, 3. Improve strategic workforce planning, 4. 重新设计工作,5. 实现整体幸福. 7 .投资于再培训/提升技能. Ensure diverse groups are represented, 8. Rethink our compensation practices, 9. 履行ESG承诺. 完善总奖励策略

建设: 1. 提升员工体验. Rethink our compensation practices, 3. Improve strategic workforce planning, 4. Design skills-based talent processes, 5. 完善总奖励策略, 6. 实现整体幸福,7. 8 .投资于再培训/提升技能. 实现自动化9. 10 .重新构想我们的雇主品牌. Ensure diverse groups are represented

消费品: 1. 提升员工体验. 3 .实现整体幸福. Improve strategic workforce planning, 4. 4 .投资于再培训/提升技能. Rethink our compensation practices, 6. 完善总奖励策略, 7. Design skills-based talent processes, 8. 重新设计工作,9. 10 .重新构想我们的雇主品牌. 实现自动化

教育: 1. Rethink our compensation practices, 2. Design skills-based talent processes, 3. 重新设计工作,4. 提升员工体验. 5 .投资于培训/提升技能. 实现整体幸福,7. Ensure diverse groups are represented, 8. 完善总奖励策略, 9. Develop human-centric decision making, 10. Evolve our flexible 工作 culture

能源: 1. 提升员工体验. Design skills-based talent processes, 3. 完善总奖励策略, 4. Rethink our compensation practices, 5. Improve strategic workforce planning, 6. 7 .投资于再培训/提升技能. 实现整体幸福,8. 实现自动化9. Ensure diverse groups are represented, 10. 重新设计工作

金融服务: 1. Design skills-based talent processes, 2. 提升员工体验. Improve strategic workforce planning, 4. Rethink our compensation practices, 5. 实现整体幸福. 7 .投资于再培训/提升技能. Evolve our flexible 工作 culture, 8. 重新设计工作,9. 10 .重新构想我们的雇主品牌. 完善总奖励策略

健康: 1. 提升员工体验. 3 .实现整体幸福. Improve strategic workforce planning, 4. Rethink our compensation practices, 5. Design skills-based talent processes, 6. 完善总奖励策略, 7. 重新构想我们的雇主品牌,8. 9 .投资于再培训/提升技能. 重新设计工作,10. Ensure diverse groups are represented

保险: 1. 提升员工体验. Improve strategic workforce planning, 3. 实施自动化. Design skills-based talent processes, 5. Evolve our flexible 工作 culture, 6. 完善总奖励策略, 7. Rethink our compensation practices, 8. 实现整体幸福,9. 10 .投资更新/提升技能. 履行ESG承诺

生命科学: 1. 提升员工体验. Design skills-based talent processes, 3. Improve strategic workforce planning, 4. Rethink our compensation practices, 5. 完善总奖励策略, 6. 实现整体幸福,7. 重新设计工作,8. 9 .投资于再培训/提升技能. Ensure diverse groups are represented, 10. Evolve our flexible 工作 culture

物流: 1. 提升员工体验. 完善总奖励策略, 3. 3 .投资于再培训/提升技能. Design skills-based talent processes, 5. 实现整体幸福. 重新设计工作,7. Rethink our compensation practices, 8. Improve strategic workforce planning, 9. 10 .重新构想我们的雇主品牌. 实现自动化

制造: 1. 提升员工体验. Improve strategic workforce planning, 3. Design skills-based talent processes, 4. 4 .投资于再培训/提升技能. 完善总奖励策略, 6. Rethink our compensation practices, 7. Ensure diverse groups are represented, 8. 实现自动化9. 实现总体幸福,10分. 重新塑造我们的雇主品牌

专业服务: 1. 提升员工体验. 完善总奖励策略, 3. Improve strategic workforce planning, 4. Rethink our compensation practices, 5. 5 .投资于培训/提升技能. 实现整体幸福,7. Design skills-based talent processes, 8. 重新设计工作,9. Evolve our flexible 工作 culture, 10. 履行ESG承诺

零售: 1. 提升员工体验. Rethink our compensation practices, 3. 完善总奖励策略, 4. Improve strategic workforce planning, 5. 重新设计工作,6. Design skills-based talent processes, 7. 实现整体幸福,8. 9 .投资于再培训/提升技能. 10 .重新构想我们的雇主品牌. Evolve our flexible 工作 culture

技术: 1. 提升员工体验. 完善总奖励策略, 3. Improve strategic workforce planning, 4. Rethink our compensation practices, 5. Design skills-based talent processes, 6. 实现整体幸福,7. 重新构想我们的雇主品牌,8. 9 .投资于再培训/提升技能. Evolve our flexible 工作 culture, 10. Ensure diverse groups are represented


相关组织关注五个关键领域:重置利益相关者相关性, building adaptive capability in their people and processes, figuring out how to work in partnership and tackle inequalities, driving outcomes on employee health and total well-being, 开始鼓励就业能力, and harnessing energy for the collective good.

你的组织是如何形成新的、相互关联的合作方式的, sustainable and attuned to the ways people want to work?

Benchmark your actions against the findings from this year’s study.
